Conditions and obligations in the volunteering process
Extract from the Volunteering Contract:
- The object of the contract is the performance by the Volunteer, without remuneration, of public interest activities consisting of construction works for two buildings intended for disadvantaged families in Bran, Brașov county.
- The instructions regarding the conduct of the volunteer’s activity are contained in the Volunteer’s File, Annex no. 2 to this contract, drawn up in compliance with the legal provisions in the field of safety and health at work.
- In the execution of the volunteer contract, the volunteer is subordinate to the volunteer coordinator of the Host Organization, according to Art. 16 of Law 78/2014 on the regulation of volunteer activity in Romania.
- This contract is concluded for the period of __(volunteer registration period)___, with the possibility of extending it for new periods determined by the parties.
- The volunteering activities that are the subject of this contract are carried out during the day.
- The host association has the following rights:
- the right to establish the organization and functioning of the volunteer activity;
- the right to initiate the content of the volunteer form, which it adapts to the request and preparation of the volunteer, as well as to the type of volunteer activities carried out by the host organization;
- the right to exercise control over the implementation of the volunteer form through the volunteer coordinator;
- the right to ascertain the volunteer’s misconduct, related to the clauses established in the volunteering contract, the volunteering sheet and/or in the volunteer’s protection sheet;
- the right to ask the volunteer for activity reports;
- the right to exclude the volunteer from the programs and projects in which they carry out volunteer activities, if they do not comply with the provisions of this contract, the volunteering sheet and/or the volunteer’s protection sheet;
- the right to own all the rights to the materials, reports, information, documentation and other materials written, created, collected and/or produced by the volunteer during the activities that are the subject of this volunteer contract;
- the right to ask other people for information and recommendations about the volunteer;
- the right to change the volunteer coordinator at any time during the current contract, with the obligation to inform the volunteer;
- the right to initiate changes to the content of the volunteer form, with the obligation to inform the volunteer 3 days before about this intention.
- The volunteer has the following rights:
- the right to carry out voluntary activity in accordance with his training capacity and availability;
- the right to ask the host organization to issue a certificate of volunteering accompanied by the activity report;
- the right to privacy and the protection of personal data;
- the right to free time corresponding to the voluntary activity;
- the right to be respected as a person and treated as a colleague with equal rights by the management of the organization, colleagues and partners of the organization, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs, physical/mental ability, level of education, marital status, economic situation or any other such criteria;
- the right to actively participate in the development and running of the programs in consideration of which he concluded this contract;
- the right to a place where they can carry out their activity and access to the equipment and consumables necessary for carrying out the activity;
- the right to benefit from guidance and orientation from the volunteer coordinator;
- the right to ensure his health and safety at work by the host organization, depending on the nature and characteristics of the activity he carries out.
- the right to have access to as much information as possible about the organization in which he is going to work;
the right to participate in the training programs offered by the organization. - the right to have his volunteer activity recognized as professional and/or specialized experience, depending on the type of activity, if it is carried out in the field of completed studies – according to Art. 10 (2) of Law 78/2014 on the regulation of volunteer activity from Romania.
- Asociația gazdă se obligă:
- să asigure desfăşurarea activităţilor sub conducerea unui coordonator de voluntari, cu respectarea condiţiilor legale privind securitatea şi sănătatea în muncă, în funcţie de natura şi de caracteristicile activităţii respective;
- să suporte alte cheltuieli ocazionate de desfăşurarea activităţii de voluntariat, cu excepţia celor aferente muncii prestate de către voluntar, dacă aceste cheltuieli au fost aprobate anterior începerii activităţii de conducerea organizaţiei prin acord scris;
- să elibereze voluntarului adeverința care atestă calitatea de voluntar;
- să-l trateze pe voluntar ca şi coleg cu drepturi egale;
- să pună la dispoziţia voluntarului datele de contact ale coordonatorului de voluntari/ coordonatorului de proiect;
- să îl informeze pe voluntar despre metoda de lucru şi metoda de raportare;
- să întocmească, în conformitate cu prevederile legale, contractul de voluntariat și fișele de voluntariat și respectiv de protecție a voluntarului, care sunt anexe la contractul de voluntariat și să înmâneze voluntarului câte două exemplare din aceste documente.
- Voluntarul se obligă:
- să presteze o activitate de interes public, fără remuneraţie;
- să aibă o conduită complementară cu obiectivele generale ale voluntariatului – îmbunătăţirea calităţii vieţii şi reducerea sărăciei, dezvoltare sustenabilă, sănătate, prevenirea şi gestionarea efectelor dezastrelor, incluziunea socială şi, totodată, lupta împotriva excluderii sociale şi a discriminării;
- să îndeplinească sarcinile prevăzute în contractul de voluntariat şi să respecte instrucţiunilor stipulate în fişa de protecţie a voluntarului;
- să păstreze confidenţialitatea informaţiilor la care are acces în cadrul activităţii de voluntariat, pe perioada desfăşurării contractului de voluntariat şi pe o perioada de 2 ani după încetarea acestuia;
- să anunţe cu minim 24 de ore înainte indisponibilitatea temporară de a presta activitatea de voluntariat în care este implicat;
- să îndeplinească la timp sarcinile primite din partea organizatorilor proiectului/programului şi a coordonatorului de voluntari;
- să participe la cursurile de instruire oferite de către asociației dacă acestea sunt necesare pentru buna îndeplinire a sarcinilor;
- să ocrotească bunurile pe care le foloseşte în cadrul activităţilor de voluntariat;
- să respecte regulile şi normele de comportament ale asociației gazdă primite în scris de la organizatori înainte de începerea activităţii;
- să nu comunice sau să răspândească în public afirmaţii defăimătoare la adresa asociației şi/ sau a activităţii acesteia;
- să prezinte coordonatorului de voluntari rapoartele de activitate, în maximum 5 zile de la solicitare;
- să respecte procedurile, politicile şi regulamentele interne ale asociației.
- To carry out the volunteering activities that are the subject of this contract, the volunteer must meet the following requirements:
health requirements: the volunteer does not suffer from chronic and neuropsychiatric diseases. - In the execution of the volunteer contract, the volunteer is subordinate to the volunteer coordinator of the host Association, according to Art. 16 of Law 78/2014 on the regulation of volunteer activity in Romania.
- If, during the execution of the volunteering contract, a situation occurs, independent of the will of the parties, that makes it difficult to fulfill the obligations of the volunteer, the contract will be renegotiated, and if the situation makes it impossible to execute the contract, it will terminate by law.
- The negotiation or renegotiation of the volunteering contract will be done at the written request of one of the parties, formulated within 3 days from the date on which the situation described in Art. 6.1 occurred, under the conditions established by this volunteering contract.
- When negotiating clauses and concluding voluntary contracts, the parties are equal and free.
- The modification or completion of this contract can be done by the agreement of the parties, by means of an additional act.